Apples and Oranges

Each year dedicated fans eagerly await flagship devices to be announced by their favorite manufacturers. Yesterday the fans in question were Apple fans but as it is with these events fans of competing platforms were also keen on the proceedings waiting for a flop device. So, as it turns out the best Apple device or devices were announced and the mixed reactions were displayed all over the interwebs. But if you are familiar with these events then you’ll know that isn’t a big deal as it happens every time and with every manufacture. What really caught my attention were the direct cross platform comparisons.

The main platforms currently in the market are unique and therefore very different from each other. Windows phone thrives on the live tiles and relatively minimal hardware requirement. Android thrives on customizations and a certain level of disintegration. IOS has always been the consumer friendly choice with unlimited amount of apps. Each time these opposing platforms create a new device they focus on the key attributes and attributes from the rival platforms are added only to improve on these key attributes.

As an example windows phone devices are now running on the latest chipsets just as android devices. But this is only needed to improve the display hence the more vibrant live tiles and better camera performance that the Lumia range is well known for. On the other hand several Asian phone manufacturers have acquired that metallic iPhone look to make their android devices look more premium. Apple has also over the years introduced a couple of features borrowed from Android and windows phone such as notification bar (which also windows phone borrowed from Android), multi window and multitasking window.

It’s really hard to compare devices from different platforms as it always boils down to the type of user you are and which services you use. Only iOS fans can tell you whether the latest Apple offerings are worth your dime and in the same way only android users can tell you whether it is better to shift to the latest Note series. In the same light, Winphans can give you all the advantages and disadvantages of the recently announced Lumia series.

In the end it is always advisable to get the whole picture before passing judgment. This is one weakness that affects even the tech enthusiasts.